We are stocked and ready for the season of Gatherings and Gifting.

Dark Horse Pinot Grigio 2017 750ml

Subtle creamy notes. Fruit forward flavor. The crisp, citrus flavors of our Pinot Grigio might feel totally at home with the fresh fish and decadent cheeses of the Italian coast but it's also the kind of pack-and-go picnic wine that can elevate a hot dog to gourmet status.


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Dark Horse Big Red Blend 750ml

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From vine to wine, reds to whites, cans to bottles. We make, master and proudly serve the Taste of Victory for every person or occasion. Cheers to your victories.


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Dark Horse Chardonnay 750ml

Enhance Dark Horse Chardonnay's stone and tropical fruit notes with peach chicken salad or complement the hints of toasted oak with roasted fish or grilled vegetables.


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Dark Horse Double Down Red Blend 750ml

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Curl up near the fire with our darkest red. With layers of blackberry fruit, ripe blueberries and warm threads of chocolate and vanilla, Dark Horse Double Down Red Blend is victorious when paired with a bold, juicy steak or rich, chocolate desserts.


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Dark Horse Pinot Noir 2017 750ml

Bright, bountiful cherry fruit. Notes of rose petal and lavender. A velvety smooth, almost creamy flavor-wave. Softer edges that make for easy sipping. This is the kind of guest you love inviting back to your table, because it compliments absolutely everything. Dark Horse Pinot Noir makes a champion out of weeknight meals, and is so easy-going it gets along famously with more exotic fare like lamb curry and spicy stews.


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